Thursday 21 May 2015

Depression and liver disease can be fatal: Research

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Feasibility Study results show that the individual participants with psychiatric symptoms were scored over the liver was slightly more likely to die than those who scored the lowest were for anxiety and depression
A ten-year study shows that people who have anxiety and depression, their risk of dying from liver disease may be more.

Britain's Edinburgh University researchers affiliated with the Clinical Center for Brain Science, according to the first study resulted whose psychological problems and liver diseases have been identified for possible connection between deaths.

The 'Journal gastroenterology' has published a research report said.

Dr. Tomaras team for research on a survey of 165,000 people suffering psychological investigation, The researchers reviewed the health of participants for 10 years and records of the reasons for the deaths.

The results illustrate that the individual participants with psychiatric symptoms were scored over The chance of dying from liver disease than those who had less anxiety and depression were scored.

Researchers in the study of social and economic factors in addition to alcohol, diabetes, obesity figures also included handed. Despite this, results in a clear relationship between mental and physical health system was indicated.

Dr. Tomaras, who drove the exploration, said the study the connections in the middle of cerebrum and body that gives more confirmation.

He added that psychological pressure kyjsmany harmful effects on health. However, we have the direct cause and effect are not able to confirm, but this study provides further evidence for future studies.

The researchers said that previous studies reported that anxiety and depression increases the risk of heart disease.

Researchers have clarified the danger variables for coronary illness, for example, hypertension and heftiness, a typical type of liver infection that is connected with greasy liver sickness.

Said specialist Tomras, simply mental weight with danger of passing on from liver sicknesses can be connected by implication.

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